What is the major difference between Japan’s wildly popular Line chat app and Facebook Messenger? It’s stamps. But not anymore, thanks to a Tokyo-based company called Pickles. The company just released a chat app called Stamp Messenger which brings stamps into your Facebook chat — provided you use their app.
Users can simply log into Stamp Messenger using their Facebook credentials, and then send messages and stamps to Facebook friends. Of course, the recipient must also have the app to view the stamps — but if they don’t, they’ll simply see a link to the stamp image (along with a link to the app!) instead of the stamp itself.
There are over 88 kinds of free stamps available. And over on the stamp store, there have been some stamps created in collaboration with companies, like the Kanpai stamps that were created with Asahi Beer. Considering that many Facebook users in Japan are working professionals, I’m sure they’ll find these Kanpai stamps convenient as they finish up their work day!
This first version of the app seems decent, although we did run into some issues with duplicate messages. But it’s a pretty great idea, one that perhaps Facebook should have tried itself. Check out our video demo below to get a better idea of how the app works.
Stamp Messenger is currently available on iOS, and will soon be released on Android as well.