Wri.pe: A simple and handy note-taking app from Japan



A few days ago I wrote about five iOS writing apps that I like these days. I have a bit of a weakness for such apps, and finding the best setup for writing on a mobile device can be a very deep rabbit hole, and lots of such apps (Markdown apps in particular) have sprung up in recent years. Oddly I have yet to see many people here in Japan get behind Markdown [1]. But a recent web app called Wri.pe is a promising example of made-in-Japan note-taking service that has some potential.

Wri.pe on Android

At first glance Wri.pe looks something like Draft, another recent in-browser writing service. While Wri.pe isn’t so full featured, there’s still lots to like about it. Most notable perhaps is the fact that it can be used on mobile browsers (pictured right), which is good news for Android users who don’t have nearly the selection of native writing apps that iOS users have.

Wri.pe also offers Dropbox integration, which will help with versioning if you need to revert to a previous state. There’s also a handy calendar area, which will feature any note that has a date written in it. Old notes can be archived if you’d like to move them out of the way. I understand there are more features coming later, so stay tuned for updates.

Interestingly Wri.pe came about as a sort of hobby project from Yuichiro Masui, the CTO of FrogApps. He tells me that he was more or less scratching his own itch with Wri.pe, creating a note-taking app for his own use that he wished existed. Personally I was pretty impressed by his effort – even if it is just a side project – and I hope he continues to maintain it. Given that it already supports MultiMarkdown tables, I’d also like to see footnote support too [2], and maybe some popular export options beyond Dropbox.

If you’d like a preview of how Wri.pe works, check out out video demo below. There’s also a discussion of Wri.pe ongoing over on Hacker News if you’d like to check it out.

  1. At least, not beyond Github readme files, anyway.  ↩

  2. So you can create footnotes like this.  ↩