Homescreen decoration app CocoPPa partners with Chinese search giant Baidu

A screenshot of Simeji using a background design provided by CocoPPa

See the original story in Japanese.

Tokyo-based United, the company behind smartphone homescreen decoration app CocoPPa, announced yesterday that it has partnered with Chinese search giant Baidu. The two companies will join forces to intensify marketing the CocoPPa app in Japan and Mainland China. To date the application has over 12 million downloads worldwide, with 83% of its entire user base spread across 150 countries outside Japan, mainly the US, Europe and South East Asian regions.

As a part of the partnership with Baidu, CocoPPa will provide a variety of user-generated keypad background designs for Simeji, Baidu’s Japanese input method editor for Android platform which has about 6 million downloads to date.

While CocoPPa has a strong following in the US (42% of its entire user base is there), just 2% of its users come from Mainland China. The Japanese company plans to introduce a simplified Chinese version of CocoPPa soon, helping its user acquisition efforts through the partnership with Baidu.

Some of our readers may recall that Baidu recently partnered with Booklap, a Japanese startup providing a consumer book discovery service. The Chinese company has been gathering content in an effort to establish a solid presence in the Japanese market.