Smartnews’s media channel subscriptions off to a good start in Japan



See the original story in Japanese.

SmartNews is one of the many popular news apps available to Japanese consumers these days. The startup (of the same name) announced yesterday that it has surpassed 2 million news subscriptions on its Channel Plus service, which it launched back in May to provide updates from partnering news media [1].

It has partnered with 54 media presences across 36 companies, including blogs, tech media (you can find The Bridge there), business magazines, newspapers, news agencies and more. Channels typically have 100,000 subscribers on average, with Gizmodo Japan boasting the most of all with 180,000 subscribers currently.

The company has yet to make its business profitable, but will focus on intensifying partnerships with media companies for now, and then look to monetize later on. Many of our readers may recall that the startup raised $4.2 million from Globis Capital Partners back in August. They recently moved to a new location and rebranded from their previous name of Gocro.

  1. They explain that subscriptions are not unique subscribers, since one user could have multiple subscriptions to various media.