tag Lip

Japan’s Nine matchmaking app connects users through best nine Instagram photos


See the original story in Japanese. Did you know that a photo-sharing campaign called #2015bestnine has swept the social media sphere around the world? It allows users to curate the year’s top nine photos having acquired most ‘likes’ on their Instagram timeline and put them into a collage image to share on social media with other users. Since this service has penetrated worlwide in a winkling of an eye, about 15 million people including celebrities like Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, Michelle Obama and Donald Trump, have been reportedly enjoying its use. The campaign was conducted by Tokyo-based Lip, a Japanese startup also known for its matchmaking apps like Lemon and 5pm, aiming to tether a new mobile app just launched globally today. The company launched a mobile app called Nine for iOS, which is available on iTunes AppStore worldwide. Thanks to the successful result of the #2015bestnine campaign, the app went live today but has already acquired 130,000 users worldwide, especially from New York City and Los Angeles. See also: This Japanese duo launches limited-time-period matching app ‘5pm’ in San Francisco Japan’s Lip drops new app Lemon, AI-curated social network for university students Nine is a mobile matchmaking app for…


See the original story in Japanese.

Did you know that a photo-sharing campaign called #2015bestnine has swept the social media sphere around the world? It allows users to curate the year’s top nine photos having acquired most ‘likes’ on their Instagram timeline and put them into a collage image to share on social media with other users. Since this service has penetrated worlwide in a winkling of an eye, about 15 million people including celebrities like Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, Michelle Obama and Donald Trump, have been reportedly enjoying its use.

More than a few celebrities enjoyed #2015bestnine.

The campaign was conducted by Tokyo-based Lip, a Japanese startup also known for its matchmaking apps like Lemon and 5pm, aiming to tether a new mobile app just launched globally today. The company launched a mobile app called Nine for iOS, which is available on iTunes AppStore worldwide. Thanks to the successful result of the #2015bestnine campaign, the app went live today but has already acquired 130,000 users worldwide, especially from New York City and Los Angeles.

See also:

Nine is a mobile matchmaking app for Instagrammers, allowing them to curate top nine photos having acquired most ‘likes’ on their Instagram timeline over the past year and put them into a collage image to be placed on their profile page. Users can connect with others who may have a similar feeling by repeating flick-right to connect or -left to pass, much in a manner similar to the Tinder app.

From the left: Lip’s Yusuke Matsuura and Mai Sekiguchi

Thanks to the appeal of simplicity in expressing someone’s inner character and outer appearance with as little as nine pictures, Nine’s user base is rapidly increasing by the day. Lip co-founder Mai Sekiguchi told us that 75% of their users are females, which is very unlikely for this kind of apps. In proportion to the geographical demographics of Instagram users, the Nine app has 40% of their users in the US, followed by Indonesia and UK. Due to acquisition of a huge user base in Android-dominant markets, the team plans to release an Android version in mid-February.

The app is based on an remarkably interesting idea but I’m curious as to how they will make money. In response to this my question, Lip co-founder and CEO Yusuke Matsumura explained:

We will provide a premium plan for a monthly subscription fee of $9.99 or 1,200 yen. It will provides three premium functions: Unlimited Likes, Neighborhood Discovery and Unlimited More Photos.

Unlimited Likes and Unlimited More Photos will allow users to display photos from a wider variety of those in an archive than the maximum limit for the freemium edition. Neighborhood Discovery will allow users to connect with other users in the same city or town while the default freemium setting will connect users with each others within 50 kilometers. Lip thinks they will flexibly alter these settings or criteria for the premium menu while analyzing user behaviors.

Founded in November 2014, Lip raised an undisclosed amount of funding in November 2015 from CyberAgent Ventures, Venture United, Incubate Fund and Primal Capital, in addition to accepting individual investment from Japanese mobile gaming developer Colopl’s co-founder Kotaro Chiba.

Edited by “Tex” Pomeroy

Japan’s Lip drops new app Lemon, AI-curated social network for university students


See the original story in Japanese. Some of our readers may recall that Japanese startup Lip launched their limited-time-period matching app ‘5pm’ in San Francisco in June. The same company has just released another new service. Lemon is a social network from Lip geared towards university and grad students that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to carry out selective admission with the idea of “deepening relationships between people.” The service was made available starting last week, and they have begun accepting user applications. A curation system that speeds up matching Lip has been operating an invitation-only closed beta version of the app since June 25th. Those that were invited to join the new network were proactive and assertive university students. Lip’s vice president and product director Mai Sekiguchi spoke about the focus of the service’s value, By forming a community of people who have made it through our aptitude test which we’ve placed high standards on, I think it will be easier to create new connections. I think the number one value point of this service is the ability to make new connections through Lemon. We already have seen some results, for example a student with experience studying abroad in France…


See the original story in Japanese.

Some of our readers may recall that Japanese startup Lip launched their limited-time-period matching app ‘5pm’ in San Francisco in June. The same company has just released another new service.

Lemon is a social network from Lip geared towards university and grad students that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to carry out selective admission with the idea of “deepening relationships between people.”

The service was made available starting last week, and they have begun accepting user applications.

A curation system that speeds up matching

Lip has been operating an invitation-only closed beta version of the app since June 25th. Those that were invited to join the new network were proactive and assertive university students. Lip’s vice president and product director Mai Sekiguchi spoke about the focus of the service’s value,

By forming a community of people who have made it through our aptitude test which we’ve placed high standards on, I think it will be easier to create new connections. I think the number one value point of this service is the ability to make new connections through Lemon.

We already have seen some results, for example a student with experience studying abroad in France connecting and being able to have meaningful conversations through Lemon with a student who has experience starting a business in Mexico, or a student interesting in space being able to exchange with a student doing space development research. We want to keep creating more opportunities like these.

The main focus of the service itself is the AI that handles curation.

AI curation


With the AI engine that controls curation developed by Lip, in order to be able to join, applicants must “have affinity with at least 30% of existing members.” So, why choose to have curation carried out by AI?

Sekiguchi elaborated:

This is a very important point, our policy is not that the developers decide who is admitted and who isn’t, that should be determined by existing members. New members will be selected based on the already existing members’ opinions and sensibilities. I think this is what makes Lemon so interesting.

That’s why we created the criteria ‘affinity with at least 30% of existing members.” We have to implement this rule bluntly and without exception, and doing that with human power alone would be difficult. By having the algorithm itself evolve while deep learning about the preferred member model, existing members sensibilities are incorporated into the algorithm and progressively more human-like curation can be accomplished.

For those users who are able to clear inspection, two features are available. One is the “member introduction feature.” Other members who share a high level of affinity with you will be searched for by the AI and introduced to you daily. If you are interested in one of those members you can send and receive messages with that person.

The other is the “bulletin board feature.” This is a bulletin board that members can write on freely and exchange information regarding anything from job hunting to university life.

She added:

For now, our goal is to gather 1% of all of Japan’s university students, after that we’ll open it up to active working adults in the business world. Eventually we want to make this a place for carefully selected members from multiple industries and countries to make new connections starting out in Asia.

Lip’s first product, matching app ‘5pm’ is seeing favorable results in San Francisco and is also planned to be opened up to Asia as well in the near future. Looking at Lip’s products so far, we can see that there are still many new ways that matching services can be created.

As for future services, Lip says they “already have a variety of ideas.” Exactly what kind of services and what sort of results they will yield are yet to be seen, but we’ll be eagerly following their progress.

Translated by Connor Kirk
Edited by Masaru Ikeda