tag JSDF

Japan Self Defense Forces introduces its first mobile game app


Japan Self Defense Forces (JSDF) introduced its first mobile game app earlier this week, aiming to increase public awareness of the importance of their presence and defending Japan. It is available for Android on Google Play but an iOS version will follow soon. The game is named J-Collection after the Japanese name of the forces, which lets one defend one’s home from enemies using figures of officers in the app. Starting with a title called “Defend your kitchen garden!”  JSDF will publish a new mission in the app every month, so one may enjoy playing any of 21 different roles in the forces as if an officer. Each of three different self-defense forces – Ground, Maritime, and Air – has published their video promoting the app, featuring real officers, tanks and jet fighters, so these are also a must watch for army geeks. In view of mobile role-playing game apps by military or defense forces in the world, we’ve seen Make It Fly by the US Air Forces, Pier Pressure (Android/iOS) by the US Navy, and Golden Helmet by the People’s Liberation Army of China. Edited by “Tex” Pomeroy


Japan Self Defense Forces (JSDF) introduced its first mobile game app earlier this week, aiming to increase public awareness of the importance of their presence and defending Japan. It is available for Android on Google Play but an iOS version will follow soon.

The game is named J-Collection after the Japanese name of the forces, which lets one defend one’s home from enemies using figures of officers in the app. Starting with a title called “Defend your kitchen garden!”  JSDF will publish a new mission in the app every month, so one may enjoy playing any of 21 different roles in the forces as if an officer.

Each of three different self-defense forces – Ground, Maritime, and Air – has published their video promoting the app, featuring real officers, tanks and jet fighters, so these are also a must watch for army geeks.

In view of mobile role-playing game apps by military or defense forces in the world, we’ve seen Make It Fly by the US Air Forces, Pier Pressure (Android/iOS) by the US Navy, and Golden Helmet by the People’s Liberation Army of China.

Edited by “Tex” Pomeroy