More than just eye candy: Videogram brings added value for video publishers



Recently Tokyo-based CinemaCraft, the startup company behind the clever paneled video presentation service Videogram, released its iOS application. The app delivers the same slick thumbnail panel interface that we previously saw from the Videogram web app, allowing users to understand at a glance what kind of content a given video contains.

In terms of being an entertainment destination, the Videogram app has lots of fun content from providers like Hulu, Discovery Channel, Funny or Die, and even a Videogram picks section. But what I find most interesting about the service is the advantage that it holds for publishers, by measuring which thumbnails are the most active, and then automatically regenerating the tiled presentation based on that feedback.

Once popular thumbnails are identified, publishers can then run ads next to them if they choose, thus optimizing the chances that a user might see them. CinemaCraft’s CEO Sandeep Casi told us a little more about this feature:

The trending thumbnail can change on a daily/weekly basis depending on the user engagement. The pre-roll/mid-roll will move to the trending thumbnail such that there is some amount of assurance that ads will be consumed. This is much better than throwing an ad at the start of the video and hoping that consumer will not skip thought it.

Sandeep says me that his company also offers a white label Videogram solution which publishers can use on their own sites. And I expect this will be one of the most promising aspects of Videogram’s business. I understand that more developments are coming in the near future for the startup, so stay tuned for more on that front.

The startup certainly appears to be on the right track, with lots of positive developments since it accepted into the 500 Startups incubator program back in late 2012.

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