The Imagine Cup is an annual global competition organized by Microsoft, with the aim of nurturing students to be competitive in the international arena. The finals are taking place in St. Petersburg, Russia, where finalists from 71 counties come together to competing for the top awards in five categories, with the winners will be announced late on Thursday night (Japan Time). It will be livestreamed here if you’d like to tune in.
The team of Teppei Yoneyama and Chester Lee Chin Zhen (who are both attending Japan’s oldest computer vocational school) are finalists from Japan, proposing a new gaming app development environment. It’s called the Knowall Library, and it has taken about four years to complete. The development suite allows game developers to create a 2D or 3D gaming app relatively easily. To date many people have already developed several gaming titles using the environment, giving it high praise since it is just as sophisticated as many existing products in terms of technical features.
The video below shows you how Yoneyama presented the work at his vocational school. It’s in Japanese, but it will give you a better but idea of how it works. We are told that it’s not common for gaming app development environment to be chosen as a finalist for the Imagine Cup event.
We certainly wish them the best of luck during the rest of the competition!