Pioneering startup susuROBO enables anyone to create voice and gaze-controlled AI live streamers


先駆的なスタートアップ企業 susuROBOが、誰でも音声や視線で簡単に「AIライブストリーマー」を創れるプラットフォームの提供を開始

Osaka-based conversational AI startup susuROBO introduces a new voice and gaze-controlled AI sidekick for beginner live streamers and an NFT-enabled early access program for its no-code AI live streamer development platform.



OSAKA, JAPAN, November 29, 2021—Founders Maxim Makatchev, Ryo Chikada, and Amir Harati launched susuROBO Inc. earlier this year. Now they are announcing an NFT-enabled early access program for, a cloud-based, no-code development platform for conversational AI avatars. powers a variety of conversational experiences. Use cases range from nurse avatars for outpatient healthcare apps to voice user interfaces for the elderly, and now this voice and gaze-controlled sidekick for beginner live streamers.

“For live streamers who are just getting started or streaming solo, it can be tough to create engaging banter with their audience. So we’re introducing an AI live streaming sidekick that’s ready to jump into the conversation. The sidekick decides the most appropriate timing and phrasing based on the conversational context and the host’s voice and gaze. To encourage wider community participation, we’re inviting participants to a limited public beta program this December.”
—Maxim Makatchev
CEO & Founder

For a demo of an AI sidekick controlled via voice and face tracking-based gaze estimation visit:

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