Tokyo-based Kadinche launched a spherical panorama video-sharing platform today, called Pano Plaza Movie. Users can upload panoramic videos to the platform and share them with other users through social network platforms. Video clips set to “open to the public” will be listed in the portal page of the platform.
See also:
- Japanese cafe and restaurant portal makes use of Panoplaza to virtualize local spaces
- Tokyo Office Tour: Panoplaza has a 360-degree view of the world
Conventional video platforms do not allow rotation of panoramic video clips or they have a file upload limit, but Kadiche’s platform addresses these issues.
Kadiche has introduced a virtualization service of real stores in partnership with e-commerce platform provider as well as panoramic video creation platform PanoMovie. You can record panoramic video clips with cameras like Ricoh’s THETA m15. But in view of the recent trend of selfie sticks, many smartphones will have features allowing users to record panoramic video clips sooner or later.