Tokyo-based startup Tokyo Otaku Mode, which curates and shares content and news about Japanese anime and manga culture, recently announced a syndication deal with 13 internet news sites in Japan and around the world. The international partners are as follows:
- Cheezburger (Cheezburger Inc., USA)
- Bahamut (a video game review site from Oneup Network Corporation, Taiwan)
- (an anime news site in Mexico)
- RetornoAnime (Anime news for Mexico)
Some of the notable Japanese media partners added to Tokyo Otaku Mode’s repertoire of syndication sources from which it translates news are:
Now with over 11 million Facebook fans, many people wondered how Tokyo Otaku Mode might monetize its rapidly growing fan base. When I spoke to the startups co-founder Nao Kodaka back in February, he explained that one way would be try to funnel its Facebook traffic onto its main website ( which could then be monetized with advertising. So now with more quality incoming content, and with an extended reach thanks to syndication deals, TOM has made positive steps towards this goal.
The company says in its announcement that it hopes to translate articles into more languages in the future, and ostensibly Spanish is a priority given the deals with Mexican publishers noted above.
The startup also recently partnered with convenience store chain Lawson to help promote aware of the store’s brand around Asia and the rest of the world. They have established a special promotion page featuring characters that introduce Lawson’s products.
Stay tuned for more from Otaku Mode, as an e-commerce channel is expected to be just around the corner for the startup. If you’d like to sign up to be notified when it opens, head over to
In mid-Febraury the startup announced that it had raised additional funds from three VC firms, including YJ Capital (the investment arm of Yahoo Japan), Itochu Technology Ventures, and DG Incubation (of Digital Garage). (Via RBB Today)