“Urth Corporation” partners with “AIME metaverse technologies ltd.”【株式会社Urth】AIME社との業務提携のお知らせ


ーProviding AI avatars in web metaverse servicesーカスタマイズされたAIアバターをメタバース空間で活用可能な状態を目指してー

Urth inc. (Head office: Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Hiroki Tanaka;”Urth”), a provider of “V-air” , a web-based metaverse service for corporate clients, has entered into a basic agreement for a business alliance with AIME metaverse technologies ltd. (Head office: Tel-Aviv, Israel; CEO: Keren Chavkin), a company that develops AI avatars for virtual spaces (hereinafter “AIME”,http://aimeverse.com), have entered into a basic agreement for a business alliance. (日本文は英文後に記載)

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