The 1st Preliminary Edition of “Startup Dating” Event To Be Held in Daikanyama On June 22


Tech start-up entrepreneurs are always eager to meet developers who can make their ideas come true. Developers are also very eager to work with entrepreneurs who can share their dreams with. “Startup Dating” is a networking event for entrepreneurs with different skill sets to meet and start new companies.

We are having a pre-launch event as a part of Open Network Live’s third event which takes place on June 22nd. If you’re interested in attending, please RSVP by following the instructions below.

This will be an excellent opportunity for entrepreneurs to meet.

– Find your partner, Find your CTO. “Startup Dating” The Preliminary Edition –

Date: 7pm, June 22, 2010, Tuesday.  (Startup Dating starts at 8pm)
Venue: Digital Garage Head Office, Daikanyama

Organized by: Masaru Ikeda (tech-blogger and consultant, Asiajin contributor)
Co-organized by: Takeshi Hirano (TechCrunch Japan, DC Solutions) and Hiro Maeda (

In cooperation with Open Network Lab and Digital Garage

  • This event will be held during the second half of Open Network Live! Event on June 22nd (ONL!).
  • You’re required to apply for attending ONL! by following Twitter account @on_lab and tweeting “I will attend @on_lab.”
  • The admission fee for the event is 2000 yen.
  • Food and drinks will be served.
  • In addition to applying for attending ONL! Please leave a comment on this blog post. Instructions are described on the first comment of this blog post.
  • We will give you a small badge at the reception, which is colored according to your “skill sets.”



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