June 22nd First Preliminary Event Report – Thank you for attending!

We apologize for being late, here is our report for the first preliminary Startup Dating event.

We really appreciate Open Network Lab and Digital Garage for providing us a venue for the event.

We handed out red, green, and blue badges to entrepreneurs, developers, and others respectively. We prepared 50 badges each and we apologize for not preparing enough entrepreneur badges.

The event started off with entrepreneurs giving a 1-minute elevator pitch to present the startup they are working on. Afterwards is a simple networking event. Attendees were having a really good time that we extended the event and moved to a second location. Many people were passionately sharing their dreams and left a very strong impression.

This was our first preliminary event and there were a few things that we didn’t execute properly. There were a few logistical errors and there was a lack of developers attending the event. However, there were many positive comments such as “Color coding entrepreneurs and developers enhanced the networking experience,” and “I have been waiting for an event like this, I would really love to help.” We really appreciate the positive comments.

As we run more events, we will gain more experience and will become better in running the event.

Our next event, “The Official First Startup Dating,” is planned to take place in July 29th. We will announce the details of the event shortly.


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